
Jumat, 15 April 2016

Dear Mr Pickles

Well, sir.  Youve stirred it up again this time!   Like Father Christmas bringing the promise of happiness to the masses, dropping down our chimneys weekly to empty our overflowing rubbish bins!

Nice one!

Oh stuff any chance of this being an erudite post.  I havent got time for that. Instead Ill just say it as it is.

The weekly rubbish collection bribe that your department has announced amounts to nothing but backtracking on any other forms of common sense that has come out of this years Waste Review, especially with regard to encouraging greater recycling rates.

Todays media talks about treating the public with respect.  How about treating us with intelligence as well as  respect and not just a herd of sheep who will welcome your proposals with a happy bleat.

Our country would not have a problem with overflowing rubbish bins if manufacturers designed out unecessary packagingproduct waste and the government invested in proper nationwide recycling infrastructure of mixed plastics.  Really, I cannot believe that we are in 2011 and the majority of the UK cant recycle a bloody yoghurt pot! 

Voters complain about smelly food waste hanging around for a fortnight.  I empathise.  So did I a few years ago and to honest, its not nice!  But I did something about it.  I followed the advice of and even though Im still not the picture of perfection, most weeks are better than others.  Yes Ive had a blimmin good stab at not creating the waste in the first place and saved a small fortune, thanks to listening to some common sense.

Of course my best advice for your Chicken Tikka Masala test, is instead of letting it become fodder for flies stinking out your bin, cut down your order at your local Indian or invite some friends around and get them to share it.

Its hardly rocket science.

But recycling is...needing well designed  innovations and scaleable solutions that can serve communities and support our economy.

Thats where our money should be going Mr Pickles, to actually help provide solutions that wouldnt create the problem of overflowing or stinky bins.  Separate out that food waste and if the councils dont have the infrastructure to collect the caddies weekly, invest in community projects that can, by creating new jobs and feeding the revenues back into the communities themselves. 

There are even solutions in the UK for now recycling nappies and other absorbant waste products, that you could throw some of your money towards or better funded campaigns to support washables.

Whats that old saying?  Rubbish In Rubbish Out! Well thats what this countrys going to keep getting unless policy and investment change in line with the sustainable future this country and the global society needs.

Todays statement was far too broadbrush. Yes there will be councils that will value the funds, and this money should be used to support and develop the infrastructure in those areas that its needed, even if its in certain enclaves of a local authoritys collection area, but please dont consider it as a single opportunity for all.  Not all of us want to go back to the dark ages.

Personally, I think this is a lot of fuss about nothing and if one good things come of it, there will be much chatter about rubbish as people debate the other solutions that are out there.

Yours sincerely,

Almost Mrs Average!


As its a Friday, I thought Id dedicate this post to Kats "Dear So and So" feature at Three Bedroom Bungalow.

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