
Sabtu, 09 April 2016

Pledging to save energy ASAP to help Baglady

Today finally sees the start of the secret launch of Bagladys ASAP Pledge Round 2.  The official launch is 11.01.11, but Baglady being an impatient old gal decided to make the most of the tradition for New Years Resolutions and the opportunity to get us Internet peeps thinking about sustainability.  You might remember my last blog post about it here.

Now I know that youre used to me thinking big and tackling some huge challenges, such as organising rubbish free tasks or setting up local collection schemes for Recycle Week, but for this years ASAP (As Sustainable As Possible) pledge, Ive decided to tackle something really small but just as important, much closer to home

You see, despite making a big effort to reduce waste, use public transport, buy local and keep the heating off until November, Ive still not sorted out the simple fact that I am always forgetful about turning off the light in the downstairs loo.  Asimple thing, but the kids do it much so that my husband is always on our backs about Mr Invisible spending far too much time on the toilet!

So, Ive decided that my pledge this year (with the help of the children) will be to give up leaving the light on in the loo AND elsewhere in the house.  And while Im on the subject Ive also decided to take up the idea of turning off my laptop whenever its not in use...instead of my "leaving it on just in case I need it later" routine.

Other bloggers are also on board with their ASAP pledges and have either already blogged about them or will be doing so very soon, so for inspiration keep your eyes peeled for updates from MyZeroWaste,  Cambridge EcoThrifter, From Rat Race to Positive Parent, Violet Posy, Just Jotting Along, A Modern Mother, Jo Beaufoix and Rosie Scribble.

Pledging is simple.  You just need to pop along to Bagladys website, make your pledge and pass it on via Facebook, Twitter or through your blog, encouragiing your friends to do the same.  All pledges registered on Bagladys site by midnight on 17th June will also be entered into a random draw where one lucky person will win a £100 voucher courtesy of Baglady Productions to spend at sustainable retailer Wiggly Wigglers.

So, go on...please join us in adopting Baglady for 2011 and  if you do Id love to know if youve made a pledge. In the meantime, Im off to make mine now....

Useful links:

Adult Pledge:
Kids Pledge:

Facebook Page:!/bagladyproductions

P.S.....if youre spreading news of your pledge on your blog, theres even a blog badge you can use...


Blogger disclaimer:  Karen has been working with Baglady Productions to help launch Pledge ASAP Round 2.  However, this is a personal post as an independent participating blogger.

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