
Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Okay back to basics

Wow - I actually had a day off today and spent some time on the computer, and I realized I havent posted on the blog since - what - May!  Oh my - that wont do.

Well, a moment to reflect and confess.  I did get down to 143 since my last posting, but Im now up to 160.  I know - 20 lbs over the summer and fall.  I tell you, its been quite a lesson in weight mis-management.

I even tried to get back on strict at the clinic in September, but failed miserably in large part due to my hectic work/travel schedule.  Its brutal trying to stick to strict when youre traveling outside of a Bernstein-zone where you cant get to a clinic every other day for your shots, and trying to eat in restaurants or you cant take your own foods with you due to no fridge.

Its also ridiculous to think that I can eat what I want, when I want, and not pack on the pounds.  I mean really - bread, starches, wine/booze - you just cant win with those in the house.  For me that is.

So, Im looking in my closet and the whole new beautiful wardrobe that I bought last year is starting to feel a little tight.  My size 10 pants are getting snug - and my size 8 skinny jeans - well, they are hung up and just sitting there staring at me.  And i so love those jeans, so enough is enough!!

Before I head into the holiday season and surrounded by sweets, wine, starches and sauces galore, Im going to give myself a 2-week personal boot camp and give my cupboards an overhaul.

Im also going to reread this blog to reconnect with how I managed my foods, travel and self-discipline in the first place that empowered me to lose all the weight in the first place.  Ive relogged onto Calorie Count to track my intake, and Im going to get serious about my diet sheet and intake.

While I love the ladies (and gents) at the clinic, Im doing this on my own this time.

....and I promise to write again.


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