
Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

January 12th and counting

Well, the time has passed when were officially into the New Year and the resolution to modify our behaviour and habits has either taken root or been carted to the curb with the remnants of the holidays.

Im happy to report that Im still on track - though not without some challenges.

I agree with another Facebook Dr. Bernstein client "Chef Michelle" that Maintenance is not easy. Its a real challenge to face the portion control on your own - particularly after the holidays. I spent time on Sunday grocery shopping, cutting, measuring and packaging my veggies and breads and meats, but I find myself sneaking carbs left right and centre aisle....

What is wrong with me? I dont even feel hungry yet my hand reaches out for a cookie or a handful of nacho chips (multigrain mind you) like Im a frogs tongue instinctively snatching some fleeting prey before it escapes.

I didnt do that on the program! I knew better. I had the willpower. Why is it so hard to stay on strict?

I think like with the Maintenance program, doing it on your own has no consequences. On Strict, youre in the clinic Monday, Wednesday and Friday for weigh-in - scrutiny - monitoring. Youre accountable.

At home, Im only accountable to my scale and myself. But shouldnt I be more accountable and guilt-ridden if Im not meeting the mark than for some complete strangers?

Im doing okay - Im down 2 lbs on my own by just cutting back and eating sensibly, but I feel like I need to do the Tune-Up program just to get back down and feel in fighting form. I need to feel the hunger pangs again in the morning and see the steady progress.

I dont think Im ready to do this alone yet. Maintenance sets you off on your own devices - but its not easy. Even with the once-weekly weigh-in and injection, its not enough for me. I still need some hand-holding.

Strange isnt it. When you reach goal weight you think youre invincible - until you realize that its a slippery slope with one glass of wine here - then another...then a couple of chips to a a small portion of pasta to a half large a mini-muffin top creeping over your new skinny jeans to make your heart stop.

I didnt pay $3,500 for a program, and new clothes and reclaiming myself to fail and overindulge. I need to re-read my blog and remember the journey and the joy, and remember what got me here.

Is anyone feeling theyre going to slip down the slope and regress? I dont believe I would go far down the slope, but even a slight trip scares the crap out of me.

Whats my Apple for the day?

In our house, at supper time, we each share a good thing about our day (our Apple), and something crappy as well (our Onion.) So my Apple is that my hair loss has stopped. Ive been good for the last month. As a physician friend said, likely a stabilizing of the thyroid after the rapid weight loss. I didnt find the Nixoderm did much except dull my blonde highlights, so I stopped using that. (BTW for the comment in December that I didnt see - I bought it at my hair salon - I havent seen it in any stores.)

Another Apple is that for the winter skin moisturizing, I still use baby oil daily, and my skin has remained taut and healthy, so thats good!

For my Onion, for the past week Ive been sticking to strict plan and portions, but when I get home, I cant stop myself from eating bread...slices of 14 grain or flax seed cookies (at 140 calories each) just for the hell of it. Why?!

I think I need to recruit my husband to be the bread gestapo and halt my enemy incursions.

Geesh. The program was so much easier; real life is too tempting.

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