
Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

Picking a new diet

When summer rolls around everyone starts thinking bout getting in Swimsuit shape. By then its usually to late. And then there is always crash diet, but they can cause more harm them good. I am looking to drop some baby weight for summer. I am not over weight or to much outta shape, but I am not happy where i am at body wise. Id like to get back my flat stomach and drop a few pounds, round 15-20lbs. So I went on a search for the perfect diet. That was when i stumbled upon the O2 diet. I was excited about this diet, because of the type of food, and that other then dropping weight it would clear my skin and make me over- all feel better..

(((((The O2 Diet is a high-antioxidant based program created to empower you to put the best, most nutrient-dense foods in your body. When you focus on what you can eat, not on what you cant eat, you are more motivated to eat well, your energy goes up, your skin looks better -- and a byproduct of all of this is weight loss.

Antioxidants fight free radicals, a.k.a. the "bad guys" linked to heart disease, cancer, neuronal degeneration and aging (wrinkles!). Free radicals arise in our bodies as a natural part of aging, from the environment we live in to stress. This is why it is so important to focus on putting high antioxidant foods in our bodies to mop up free radicals!

On the O2 Diet, you will get 30,000 ORAC points a day. ORAC is a scale, which essentially measures a foods antioxidant power. This may sound like a lot, but consider that a cup of green tea has 3,000 and a cup of blueberries 9,700. Aside from eating five times per day from a wide variety of nutrient-dense, delicious foods, youll drink eight glasses of water each day with an ounce of lemon juice, two cups of green tea and you can feel free to add a green salad to any dinner.)))))

So below is the 2week diet. and above i will give you a day to day on what i experience. How i feel and I will even take pictures of the food i cook. It make take a few weeks to get this diet in place money and time wise. But i promise, we are going to make this happen.

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