
Senin, 29 Februari 2016

Clutter be gone! I now need a blimmin rest

Well thatll teach me to be more careful with my money and all the stuff that comes into our home from impulse buys and random gifts.

My arms feel like theyre ready to drop off.  My feet detached themselves hours ago and my back is distinctively telling me that it is still there.  And it is never pleasant when ones back muscles begin to heckle!

Today was the day that the big event finally arrived.  The Big Huge Summer Declutter organised by BBC Radio Suffolk and EACHs Treehouse Appeal to raise money for a new childrens hospice.  My goal was to turn up alongside 600 other participants to lay out my pitch at the biggest car boot sale that Ive ever experienced.

I know many people love car boots sales, but personally I have never particularly warmed to them.  Its the early starts and bargaining over 10p here and 5p there that truly test my patience.  So today really had to be worth the effort, which is why I pledged to donate all the proceeds of our pitch to the Treehouse Appeal.

Of course I could have just donated our unwanted stuff to the charity shop.  That would have been much easier than getting up at the crack of dawn and sitting in a traffic jam in Ipswich, before being rained on and sunburnt within a matter of hours.  But that wouldnt have given me the lesson that I very much needed today, which was the kick up the backside in discovering the real value of  the stuff with which I - along with the help of others - have been cluttering up our home over the last decade.

And yes, its no coincidence that the amount of clutter weve accumulated is in direct relation to having had two young children. Most parents will recognise the routine:  birthdays; rainy days; hobbies; keep them happy days; boring days; cheer-up days; keep-up-with-the-Jones days; guilty days and Christmas.Then theres all the stuff they make at schools and clubs.  But the more one acquires, the harder it is to keep on top of, especially when the kids really love their belongings or you dont want to offend someone by selling or giving away an unwanted present, or if youve paid a huge amount of money for something that is no longer needed or wanted.  Then theres the case of not having time to keep on top of your stuff until it begins to cripple your free space and your sanity!

Although many might regard car boot sales as a celebration of reuse, I cant help see them as a cathedral to discards and obsolescence.  The setting is perfect for the average buyer, as there are plenty of bargains galore with the opportunity to snap up essentials and luxuries for great prices.  However, for the seller, its a wake-up call to see something that once cost £25 -  and which remains in perfect condition and still in trend - disappear into the distance for just 50p.

Dont get me wrong, Ive not got any gripes over such transactions.  Its certainly not the buyers fault that I was daft enough to pay through the nose for something Ive hardly used and I really quite like seeing people enjoy their bargains.  If I was that bothered about recovering the cost Id opt for eBay. And it has to be said, that convenience-wise, if youre missing the organisation gene like me, the advantage of car-boot sales is that a whole load of stuff can be taken off your hands within a matter of hours without the effort of nipping backwards and forwards to the post office.

No, the lesson from today was to continue to be mindful of the impact of every acquisition that comes into our home, whether its bought brand-new or as cheap bargains, or even gifted or donated.  Even if something is free, it can still  remain under-used and unappreciated and left to age in a drawer waiting to be dealt with.  In such instances, Id be better off overcoming my clutter bug nature and declining freebies, letting others put them to good use instead.  Likewise, with clothes and books being my particular weakness, its perhaps time to reconsider what I really do actually need.

However, with all that said, Im pretty pleased that all those presents weve bought ourselves or have been given to us by friends and family, were today converted into the princely sum of £75, which will help EACH build its much needed hospice.  If Id just donated the items to the charity shop, Id have no idea of their worth and their contribution to the fundraising goal, but at least now I know we have helped to pay for a few more bricks or some furniture. 

So for someone who doesnt normally do boot sales, this was a real worthwhile day indeed.  And even better, theyll get more cash from the remaining stuff that hadnt sold, which we left at their collection point on the way home. 

Now thats what I call a useful car boot sale!

And the satisfaction of leaving with a virtually empty boot.  Now that is totally priceless.

Huge thanks to my very own King of Declutter, Mr A, and our two helpful children today.  Its thanks to their contribution that we were able to make this happen.

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