
Senin, 15 Februari 2016

Vitamin B6 supplements the wonderful magic potion

"The Love Potion" by Evelyn de Morgan.Image via Wikipedia

The diet touts the B6 vitamin as the key to success. As their literature denotes, for women its our "guardian angel."

I must admit, from the first injection, Ive never slept so well or felt as good as I have over the last two months, and I could certainly feel a difference from the injections.

B6 (or pyridoxine) is argued by Dr. Seymour Levine as the key vitamin in the B-complex group that offers the most benefits. Over 60 million people are thought to be vitamin B deficient, particularly dieters, people over 50 years of age and all women.

Vitamin B6 is linked to addressing water retention, swelling, moodiness, dry skin, anemia and hormonal imbalances.

No wonder whenever Im on my menses on the diet, they give me a full b-complex (the full B vitamin group) injection...likely for my hormones! Seriously, B6 is key to regulating hormones. It stimulats the production of potamine and provides a calming effect on the nervous system.

Research also links B6 as having an important role in the prevention and treatment of anemia. Supplements have also treated problems such as acne and seborrhea.

And for other added benefits, B6 can also bring relief of depression, tiredness and loss of sex drive. For most women, there is no more important need for B6 than for its role in estrogen production... right honey? (My husband nodded!)

B6 is also an excellent diuretic, and is the best natural preventative and remedy for bloating, water retention and menstrual weight gain. In all seriousness - women in particular keep a pain of "fat pants" for that time of the month and routinely retain water. The injection certainly helps keep things moving.

In his clinical report on B6, Dr John Ellis found that the vitamin helps set up a body balance of sodium and potassiumm that regulates body fluids.

Finally, B6 also has the important role of producing antibodies that help fight infection. It helps maintain our immune system.

Theres also a thought that there is a connection of B6 to anti-aging: the production of age-retarding RNA (a mucleic acide that instigates the replacement of worn-out, damaged and diseased cells.) women over 40 (yes me...) see a rapid increase in wrinkles, aged spotted skin. Without B6, there isnt enough RNA to keep the body young. Women also have higher RNA requirements than men. Hmmm - perhaps an explanation that if women are B6 deficient, we age so much faster than men do?

Dr. Kilmer McCully, a professor of pathology at Harvard University points to a lack of vitamin B6 as a probable chemical cause of arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries: the leading cause of death in the USA and Canada, among both men and women.

Other lab research has shown that a high fat, high protein diet low in vitamin B6 will cause diabetes. Dutch research reported that a supplemental program of vitamin B6 can relieve diabetic symptoms.

Finally, adequate B6 helps keep weight under control and is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland: enabling body metabolism to burn off calories.

Dieting women are the most in need of B6, but are often the most deficient. Hence, Dr. Bernstein and the diet point to supplementation as the most reliable way to correct and prevent vitamin B6 deficiency. While B6 is available in a wide array of foods (brewers yeast, wheat germ, bran, yoghurt, meat and fish) a high percentage is lost in cooking and refining processes.

Given that so many people are deficient, folks shoudl supplement their dietary intake. Any excessive intake of the water-soluble vitamin is excreted within 8 hours of injections, so regular supplements are provided on the diet.

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