
Rabu, 10 Februari 2016

A little more than you need to know but for folks on the diet a helpful tip


Because there is no fats in the diet, constipation does occur. Ive always had a lazy bowel to begin with, so I knew it was going to happen. I bought the Senokot.S laxative they recommend, and with after 2 tablets, you go. You then take 1 tablet daily (I just put it with my morning multi vit and potassium) and now Im regular like clockwork. Whew! ;-) The doctor recommended Wheat Bran; the nurses said Metamucil or Benefibre (no salt versions) but I just stuck with the Senokot.S. Works for me, and it does the job beautifully. The bran did nothing for me...

If you cant do business, Drink Yagodas Bitte...Image by mlhradio via Flickr

I just hit on something - a pattern that works for my body.

I noted that once a month, I would get a windfall 4 lb loss over the course of a couple of days. I wasnt quite sure how it happened, since I didnt seem to do anything special.

However, recall that I said that constipation is a problem on the diet? Well, I have found that by taking two (2) Senokot.S tablets before bed, certainly loosens things up.

Then I realized that by taking two tablets at night, and again another one with lunch, kept things very regular for me.

Well, Ive stumbled upon a little co-ing-ki-dink.

It seems that when I take the tablets, drink a good 64 oz of water (with lemon), go for my injections and check-up, my body does an amazing purge of water and solids. After about an hour, the b-complex injection really pushes through the system and causes a good half an hour of "quality time" with myself to evacuate all living things in my system. Not painfully or inconveniently, just efficiently.

Now, this is the third time this has occurred. Both times previously resulted in a total 8 lb loss. Likely the bulk being water and solids (hopefully the keytone fat released as well) but this helps achieve an amazing weekly additional loss.

I feel great, and keeps things moving, so for me, a regular daily evening dose and morning top-up of Senokot.S really works!

By the way - Im at 169 today. Even with my 2 lb jeans on. Yahoo!!!
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